The importance of the Global South in COVID-19 recovery

UNDP, 11 September 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches its third year, it is clear the world faces an uncertain future shaped by economic and social crises. Effective global partnerships at all levels will be vital to surmounting the difficulties thrown up by the pandemic, as well as the climate crisis.

In this context South-South cooperation — partnerships that draw upon the solidarity among peoples and countries of the ‘Global South’ — is more important than ever to breaking the cycle of poverty and instability and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2021 commemoration of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation will focus on how the developing world can promote effective ownership of national development strategies and achievement of the SDGs.

The day marks the anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries.

In 1974, the UN General Assembly created a dedicated unit within UNDP charged with promoting cooperation among developing countries with the aim of building local capacity and boosting self-reliance. Nearly 50 years later, South-South cooperation remains an essential component of UNDP’s work.

The conference marks the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries.

“South-South cooperation represents a shared vision among the peoples and countries of the South that is shaped by close historical realities, similar development pathways, as well as shared challenges. Every country has something to bring to the table in a common attempt to find and share solutions that are both cost-effective and easier to adapt to each country’s unique situation,” said UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner.

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Original article here.

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