CTCN in Nigeria: Developing a national eMobility policy
and framework
CTCN, 25 March 2021
The transport sector contributes to the 28.4 % of total GHG emissions in Nigeria, the second largest contributor after the energy industries(40.7%). Among the six key transportation activities of road, rail, pipelines, water and air transport services, and post and courier services, the road transport takes up the most significant portion. The country has the largest road network in West Africa although still connection has not been perfect throughout the country.
The Government of Nigeria has requested the technical assistance from the UN Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) to develop national e-mobility and implementation framework for deployment and scaling-up of electric transportation systems.
Electric-Mobility is globally recognized as a viable and attractive option that can help the country redress the adverse issues faced with conventional transportation system. The shift also has the potential to offer important co-benefits such as reduced energy imports, green growth and local job creation. This transition will also contribute to reducing the negative public health implications from vehicles for women and children, which are more vulnerable to the impact of air pollution than men and provide mobility for them to access better social services.
Find the report here.
Original article here.