Enhancing Energy Efficiency in East Africa
New webinar series to build capacity on energy efficiency among policymakers, experts and practitioners
UNEP DTU Partnership, 26 March 2021
UNEP DTU Partnership’s Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) is currently conducting a series of webinars to boost energy efficiency in East Africa.
The eTraining “Enhancing Energy Efficiency in East African municipalities” was developed by C2E2 with the objective of sharing knowledge and key learnings to foster energy efficiency actions on a regional, national and local scale.
The webinar series is organised by C2E2, in collaboration with EACREE (East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency), and AEPEA (Association of Energy Professionals Eastern Africa).
Capacity building for local authorities
The target audience for the webinar series is national and local authorities of the East African countries such as city and municipality majors and their advisors, technical experts and practitioners, as well as energy utilities and other relevant decision makers.
Through the series of five webinars they will receive training in:
- Basics about energy efficiency – benefits, opportunities, policies, and projects;
- Energy Efficiency strategic planning for municipalities;
- Project Bundling and bulk procurement
- Energy efficient public and commercial buildings;
- Energy efficient street lighting;
- Energy efficiency in water provision;
- Business models and finance for energy efficiency;
- Measuring reporting and verification (MRV).
The webinar series is conducted over five separate days in late March, ending on the 29th. With four out of five webinars completed, participation rates have been high, as more than 430 people registered.
For participants and other interested in energy efficiency at local level the supporting material to the training is available here.
Once the series is complete recordings of the e-training will be available online.
Original article here.