The UNEP DTU Partnership Annual Report 2020

Looking back at a year of global upheaval and the challenges and possibilities it offered

UNEP DTU Partnership, 21 May 2021

2020 was a year of global upheaval and no organisation can overlook the impact that COVID-19 has had on their daily operations, and on their partners.

When the world went into lock down in March 2020 UNEP DTU Partnership was well positioned to continue operating and to deliver work in support of our country partners.
In recent years, UNEP DTU Partnership has built up our online presence and capacity, hosting many online training events and webinars in order to increase our reach globally, and reduce the own carbon footprint.

Switching to a fully online approach, most of our partners in developing countries were able to join in, in a way that wouldn’t have been possible less than 10 years ago.

Build back better

Last year’s UNEP Emissions Gap Report, compiled and edited by UNEP DTU Partnership, found that the response to COVID-19 led to a brief dip in global carbon dioxide emissions.

Read more about the 2020 Emissions Gap Report here.

However, a return to business as usual would lead to a temperature rise in excess of 3°C this century – far beyond the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to well below 2°C. The report offered important insights and opportunities into the importance of building back better, and creating a low-carbon post-pandemic world.

30 years of UNEP DTU Partnership

UNEP DTU Partnership will build on its existing commitment to accelerate public and private investment in the implementation of NDCs, and to help raise climate ambitions in our partner countries.

Finally, 2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the organisation we now call UNEP DTU Partnership.

Download the Annual Report here.

Read the original article here.

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