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Folkemødet 2024: Festival Programme

Thursday 13 June 2024

What do United Nations career journeys look like?

Explore UN career journeys & impact stories from around the world and discover UN job opportunities

Byg bro med FN og danske politikere: Sammen om klimaet

Brobygningskonkurrence med politikere! Kom og byg en bæredygtig bro med politikere, UNOPS.

Fødevarekrisen – fra nære løsninger til globale systemer?

Hvordan stopper vi den globale sultkrise?

Fra synkende øer til knappe vandressourcer

Effekterne af klimaforandringerne ses allerede tydeligt, og de kræver akut handling

Digitale krænkelser, køn og demokrati

Digitale krænkelser, især i relation til køn, udgør betydelige udfordringer for demokratiet.

Kvinders krop – kvinders beslutning?

Hvor er kvinders rettigheder i samtalen om lav fertilitet?

Friday 14 June 2024

War in Ukraine: from breadbasket to minefield

Ukraine, the most mined country in the world. Insights from the Mayor of Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Kan Danmark overhovedet gøre en forskel i Afrika?

Når Danmark vil gøre en forskel i Afrika, er det så ikke blot musen, der siger:”hør hvor vi tramper”

Leg er seriøst sjovt

Leg er ikke kun for sjov. Den Internationale Legedag er nu en FN-dag – og det tager vi alvorligt

Super valgår 2024: knald eller fald for demokratiet?

I år er der rekordmange demoratikse valg, mens tilliden til politikere falder. Hvad er konsekvensen?

Kvinder & unge med handicap vil også bestemme over egen krop

Globale fortællinger, kunstneriske indslag fra kvinder og unge med handicap vil inspirere til dialog

Tør vi investere i katastrofe- og konfliktforebyggelse?

Katastrofer er ofte menneskeskabte og dyre. Så hvorfor tøver vi med at investere i forebyggelse?

Økonomisk vold i parforhold

Vejen mod Ligestilling: Hvad er sammenhængen mellem partnervold og kvinders økonomiske ligestilling?

How do we help Gaza’s children and youth keep hope alive?

Meet young Palestinians from Gaza and learn why hope is so crucial for Gaza’s children and youth.

Saturday 15 June 20234

Article 31: Safeguarding Refugees in Denmark

Does Denmark violate the Refugee Convention when asylum seekers are punished for unlawful entry?

Astrif og Unge-panelet: Det gode børne- og ungdomsliv

UNICEF Danmark, Astrid Haug og et skarpt panel finder løsninger på børn og unges dilemmaer.

Youth Summit

2030beyond Youth Summit

Pioneering Sustainability in Festival Design: UN City Copenhagen Pavilion

In June 2023, UN City Copenhagen inaugurated a unique construction at Folkemødet (Denmark’s largest political festival).

As the UN City building in Copenhagen is energy-efficient by design and serves as a credible backdrop in advocating for sustainable development, the idea of a similar set-up used at external events, such as the Danish democracy festival in Bornholm, was born.

Built on the principles of circularity and sustainable consumption, UN City partnered up with Catapult Projects to produce a festival pavilion that embraces creative design, modularity, and a commitment to long-term usability.

Sustainability in Action

75% of the UN City pavilion is crafted from up-cycled, non-virgin materials – breathing in new life and a second purpose to these materials while showcasing the power of repurposing and reducing waste.

  • The wooden parts have been reclaimed form decommissioned Covid centres by Region H
  • The metal mesh was sourced from recycled fencing, originally part of a street football court at a school in Vanløse

Another sustainable design feature of the UN City pavilion is its modularity.

By being easily moveable, packed up, and set up in multiple ways in different settings, the pavilion is practical, reduces waste, promotes resource efficiency, and challenges the norm of single-use materials in the festival industry.

With no solid walls, the pavilion’s design is democratic and transparent – inviting in the people of all 193 member states of the United Nations we serve as we build a better, more sustainable future, leaving no one behind.

Stay tuned for upcoming events by subscribing to our SDG Hub Club newsletterMembers receive regular (monthly) invitations to events and activities related to the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals taking place in UN City Copenhagen. Membership is non-binding and free of charge.

The UN City Pavilion at Folkemødet 2023

The UN City Pavilion at Ungdommens Folkemøde 2023

Stay tuned for upcoming events featuring our pavilion to step into the future of dynamic, sustainable festival design and to be part of conversations on global issues.

Ungdommens Folkemøde 2023: Festival Programme

Wednesday 6 September 2023


Explore thought-provoking SDG dilemmas with the United Nations Development Programme.


Join the UN Environment Programme and the World Health Organization for a fun challenge to race for clean air: sustainable transport, health, and blue skies.


Paint by numbers and find out with UNFPA, the UN Population Fund.


Fill out a quiz about UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and global refugee trends and make colourful friendship bracelets.


Have you ever thought of what you might need in an emergency? Create your own box with UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund.


What’s your wish for health in the future?


Art and physical exercise benefit our health in many ways. Be active with WHO’s body percussions workshop.


WHO quiz on alcohol and youth health will challenge your knowledge on alcohol harms and empower you in your right to make informed consumer choices.


Create your act of gender equality activism with UN Women.


How does sustainable food taste like? Come and have a taste as culinary students from FGU and the nOmy Group present their take on the delicacies of the future with the World Food Programme and 2030beyond.


Come and make your very own climate patch as students from FGU focus on textile overuse, recycling, and up-cycling – and breath new life into your old clothes.


Start a mission towards the Sustainable Development Goals in an oversized board game.


Put your actions into words! Make a statement bracelet with inspiration from the Global Goals.

Thursday 7 September 2023


Explore thought-provoking SDG dilemmas with the United Nations Development Programme.


Join the UN Environment Programme and the World Health Organization for a fun challenge to race for clean air: sustainable transport, health, and blue skies.


Paint by numbers and find out with UNFPA, the UN Population Fund.


Fill out a quiz about UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and global refugee trends and make colourful friendship bracelets.


Have you ever thought of what you might need in an emergency? Create your own box with UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund.


What’s your wish for health in the future?


Art and physical exercise benefit our health in many ways. Be active with WHO’s body percussions workshop.


WHO quiz on alcohol and youth health will challenge your knowledge on alcohol harms and empower you in your right to make informed consumer choices.


Create your act of gender equality activism with UN Women.


How does sustainable food taste like? Come and have a taste as culinary students from FGU and the nOmy Group present their take on the delicacies of the future.


Come and make your very own climate patch as students from FGU focus on textile overuse, recycling, and up-cycling – and breath new life into your old clothes.


Start a mission towards the Sustainable Development Goals in an oversized board game.


Put your actions into words! Make a statement bracelet with inspiration from the Global Goals.

Folkemødet 2023: Festival Programme

Thursday 15 June 2023

Fortællinger om flugt – i øjenhøjde

De har prøvet at flygte og starte forfra – mød unge historiefortællere med flugterfaringer.

What is Your Career Story in the United Nations?

Explore UN career journeys & stories from the field and discover your job opportunities at the UN.

Hvordan fastholder vi håb i en verden i brand?

Håb er en nødvendig byggesten for fremtiden. Hvordan fastholdes håb og hvem har et ansvar?

Børn i frontlinjen med Jan Grarup og Rasmus Tantholdt

Jan Grarup viser billeder og interviewes af Rasmus Tantholdt om børn i frontlinjen

Friday 16 June 2023

Det Nordiske Paradoks: Digital Vold

Ligestillingen mellem køn går fremad på flere parametre, men den digitale vold stiger. Hvad gør vi?

Madspild – den store klimasynder

Mens klimaforandringer får antallet af sultne til at stige drastisk, smider vi 1/3 af al mad væk.

Investing in the health workforce in the Nordics

Explore with WHO/Europe, Nordic countries’ health workforce challenges and how to tackle them

Klima, katastrofer og COP’er til debat

Verdens tilstand beskrives ofte med dystre ord. Men hvordan hænger tingene egentligt sammen?

Mads Steffensen og UNICEF-holdet diskuterer børns dilemmaer

Sammen med to ungdomsledere og UNICEF Danmark vil Mads Steffensen vende spørgsmål stillet af unge.

Udfordringer for børn med grønlandsk herkomst i Danmark

Børn i rigsfællesskabet har ikke samme kulturelle eller sproglige afsæt. Det er en udfordring.

Saturday 17 June 2023

Hvad gør vi ved tidslerne i den danske udlændingelov?

Vi undersøger tidslerne i udlændingeloven og diskuterer, hvad vi kan eller bør plante i stedet.

Sådan bliver børn klædt på til fremtiden

Hvordan kan strategiske partnerskaber sikre børns kompetencer til at klare fremtidens udfordringer?

På forkant med katastrofen

Klimakrisen har konsekvenser, men hvem har ansvar for de tab og skader som rammer de mest sårbare?

Youth Leading the Way: A Panel Discussion on Climate Action 

Panel discussion on youth climate action, quiz, and pledge activity for a sustainable future.

Youth Workshop led by 2030beyond

Er aftaler med 3. lande løsningen på flygtningebeskyttelse?

Vi diskuterer konsekvenserne ved aftaler med fx Rwanda for flygtningebeskyttelsen i Europa

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