Join the Danish Industry Session at the BEHAVE conference 22 April 13.00-14.30
Enabling Energy Efficient by Addressing Behaviour in Technological Solutions Towards Investors and Users.
UNEP DTU Partnership, 21 April 2021
How do we integrate insights into behaviour and behavioural change to accelerate energy efficiency improvements and get us closer to a low-carbon future?
This week, UNEP DTU Partnership is hosting a conference to answer just that.

BEHAVE 2020-2021 is the sixth version of the biannual event on energy efficiency and behaviour change.
BEHAVE provides a unique forum for policymakers, academia, industry and practitioners to share ideas and experiences in promoting effective solutions for energy efficiency improvements and climate mitigation.
The conference, held virtually from the 21-23 April, is organised by the European Energy Network, a network of 24 European energy agencies, and UNEP DTU Partnership’s Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency.
BEHAVE 2020-2021 is expected to make another record high in participants and another three days of exciting discussions and networking.
A broader focus
Compared with previous years, BEHAVE 2020-2021 will have a broader focus, bringing in perspectives and experiences from both Europe and the rest of the world.
There will be increased coverage on developing countries, a more significant presence of the private sector as well as experience sharing from international development agencies and the United Nations on integrating behavioural economics in international development.
In line with the latest scientific and policy developments, BEHAVE 2020-2021 is also expected to contribute to the transition to a climate-neutral future.
The conference will also publish a special issue of Energy Policy, an international journal of political, economic, environmental and social aspects of energy, containing invited papers.
The event is sponsored by the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency and free for all participants.
Sign up here.