Join us for the #ActforEqual Week of Action ahead of the Generation Equality Forum in Paris

UN Women, 24 May 2021

From 31 May to 6 June, the #ActForEqual Week of Action will showcase young leaders and their activism, demonstrate why the Generation Equality Forum is important for all generations, and how the Action Coalitions can accelerate concrete change for women and girls.

The Week of Action will engage a young generation in taking action and amplifying dialogue in the lead up to the Generation Equality Forum in Paris from 30 June – 2 July 2021. The Forum aims to catalyze global change and progress on gender equality and encourage bold global commitments and investments in women’s and girls’ rights. It is organized by the governments of France and Mexico with youth and civil society.

We are raising our voices to make sure everyone realizes what an important and critical moment this is, and to make sure that leaders from every part of society step up at the event and commit to change.

Each day, the UN Women global Instagram and Facebook accounts will host a young activist and give them the platform to talk about a specific thematic area that they are passionate about. We encourage you to do the same on your corporate and individual accounts.

How you can participate?

Everyone can participate in the #ActForEqual Week of Action and showcase the power of young people. You can:

  1. Organize your own youth take-over or participate yourself on your social media accounts
  2. Support UN Women’s Youth takeover
  3. Share #ActForEqual and youth-related content on social media

Follow the step-by-step guidance in this Week of Action Toolkit we’ve prepared to get started (available in English/French/Spanish):

Toolkit for organizations | Toolkit for Individuals | Trello

We want you to be part of the Week of Action. Since its inception, the Generation Equality Forum has placed young people at the center of all processes. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to join us and highlight the power of youth in making a gender equal world a reality.

If you have any questions please contact: Sarah.Gilbertz[at] or Heba.Katoon[at]

Read original article here.

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