World Migration Report Launches Dynamic New
Data Visualization Platform

IOM, 5 May 2021

The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) flagship publication has launched a dynamic new webpage that connects fact-based narratives on migration with interactive data visualizations on some of the latest global migration data and information. It is the first microsite of its kind since the World Migration Report (WMR) series began more than two decades ago.

“The WMR’s usefulness as a tool for policy officials, researchers, journalists, academics and others interested in global migration issues and trends has been greatly enhanced by these new interactive elements that include the very latest data from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs,” said Marie McAuliffe, IOM’s head of research and WMR editor.

“It will be updated in the coming months ahead of the launch of the 2022 WMR later this year.”

The platform contains some of the latest global and regional international migrant stock estimates, allowing users to interact with data and quickly identify important migration trends and patterns over the last 30 years across all the six global regions.

In addition to providing global and regional data, the site displays country-level migration statistics and maps, interactive visualizations of the migration corridors – including the top receiving and sending countries – and the main remittance recipient and source countries since 1995.

The microsite is available in the three IOM official languages (English, French and Spanish). IOM’s most read and downloaded publication, the WMR is freely available in 10 languages either as a full publication or by chapter. Other resources related to the report such as videos and toolkits can also be accessed through the new webpage.

The 2022 WMR will follow the same two-part format as the previous two publications, providing key data and information on migration and migrants, and delving into complex and emerging migration issues. As in the past, the report is the product of a collaboration between IOM experts, practitioners and some of the leading migration researchers in the world.

For more information about the World Migration Report (WMR), please contact:

Marie McAuliffe at IOM Geneva, Email:

Original article here.

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