UNEP DTU Partnership event: Flexibility services in the zero-emission smart grid: market models, regulations,
actors and technologies
UNEP DTU Partnership, 7 June 2021
Flexibility services in the zero-emission smart grid: market models, regulations, actors and technologies. 15 June 15.00-17.00 CET.
This webinar explores the role of different actors, regulations and market models, and digital data and technologies in the provision of flexibility in energy demand that is so critical for the transition to a zero-emission energy system and smart grid characterised by high shares of volatile renewable energy resources.
In line with the focus on institutional change and transitions management of the ISGAN Annex 7 Smart Grid Transitions programme, the webinar will discuss the importance of innovations within and linkages between these central building blocks – actors, institutions and technologies – for a clean energy transition that also ensures citizen engagement, fairness and cost effectiveness.
Experts from research and industry will share their knowledge and experience from projects in Europe and the Nordic countries regarding these topics, and there will be ample time for comments, questions and discussion.
- Simon Bolwig, senior Researcher at UNEP DTU Partnership, DTU Management.
- Helle Juhler-Verdoner, Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance
- Razgar Ebrahimy, Center Denmark
- Klaus Kubeczko, Austrian Institute of Technology
- Joni Rossi, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Claire Bergaentzlé, Technical University of Denmark
- Dominik Dominkovic, Technical University of Denmark
- Anna Wieczorek, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
Find more information and register here.