UN report identifies looming environmental threats

UNEP, 17 February 2022

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) works to identify and draw attention to emerging issues of environmental concern. The UNEP Frontiers’ report continues to advance this work, signaling environmental issues and solutions for effective and timely responses. Some issues may be local, relatively small-scale issues today, but may have the potential to become an issue of regional or global concern if not addressed early.

What emerging issues are presented in the 2022 edition of the Frontiers report: Noise, Blazes and Mismatches?

The chapter titled Listening to Cities: From Noisy Environments to Positive Soundscapes draws attention to noise pollution and its long-term physical and mental health impacts, along with measures that can be implemented to create positive and restorative soundscapes in urban areas.

The chapter titled Wildfires Under Climate Change: A Burning Issue discusses the role of climate change and human influence in the changing wildfire regimes around the world, the impacts of wildfires on the environment and human health, and the measures that can help to prevent, respond and build resilience to wildfires.

You can download the report here and the original article can be accessed here.

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