Preparatory study on Denmark’s climate change mitigation support, conducted by UDP and DIIS, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

UNEP DTU Partnership, 16 March 2021

This preparatory study, conducted by UDP and DIIS, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, provides a quick overview of the climate mitigation support of Denmark. The study places the climate mitigation support in the Danish climate and development strategy context, and in the global context of the Paris Agreement, the NDCs, as well as the trends and developments in climate finance and funds. The study highlights a number of possible questions to explore for a Danida evaluation, amongst others whether the mitigation support has delivered results aligned to the Danish strategic direction and with due consideration of Denmark’s comparative advantage, and whether the support has responded well to the needs of, and positively influenced, the global and developing country ambitions, challenges, and the developments in climate science and finance. The study contributes to setting the focus of the overall evaluation of Danish climate mitigation support.

Download working paper here.

Original article here.

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