Invitation to join us for two webinars this week
29 November 2021
You are invited to join us for two virtual events organised by UN City agencies this week. The annual 16 Days of Activism event by UN Women Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Online Gaming on 2 December and The Role of Development Co-operation in Climate-related Technology Transfer organised by UNEP DTU Partnership on 2 December.
Read more about the events below.
Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Online Gaming

Join UN Women in a virtual event co-hosted with the Embassies of Iceland, Latvia, Canada and Estonia in Copenhagen on: Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Online Gaming: Towards an Inclusive and Safe Space for All. The virtual event brings together experts from the field of gaming, tech and prevention of gender-based violence to discuss how online gender-based violence can be better recognized and addressed, and how the online gaming space can be safe and enjoyable for all to engage. Join this event and participate in the discussion on recognizing, addressing and reporting online gender-based violence and building an inclusive space for gaming, moderated by Kalliopi Mingeirou, Chief of Ending Violence against Women and Girls Section at UN Women. PANELISTS Julia Hiltscher, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at ESL Gaming, world’s largest & leading eSports company, former professional gamer Pauline Zampolini, Specialized in gender dynamics in physical gaming communities, Game community manager at WB Games Montréal Anna Andersone, CEO of Riga TechGirls, the first community in Latvia dedicated to educating and inspiring girls & women about technology Häll, Chairperson of IGDA Finland – the International Game Developers Association Steinunn Guðjónsdóttir, spokesperson for Stígamot, Icelandic organizations fighting sexual violence through activism, counselling for survivors and prevention work Gabrielle Trépanier-Jobin, Professor in Game Studies at the School of Media of Université du Québec à Montréal Nils Martin Øyo, Brand Specialist Gaming in Elkjøp Nordic Dr Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari, Lead researcher of the project Esports in Nordic Schools (esportsNS), University of Bergen Taina Myöhänen, President and co-founder of We in Games Finland Alayna Cole, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager at Sledgehammer Games, founding director of Represent Me Nanna Falk, founder, Ladies Night Out gaming community Laura “lapa” Kyntäjä, Esports Caster & Founder of Kanaliiga CS:GO Branch Registration: More information and registration here. |
The Role of Development Co-operation in Climate-related Technology Transfer

The rapid and large-scale deployment of technology solutions in developing countries for climate change mitigation and adaptation is essential for meeting climate objectives globally.
While technology transfer to developing countries is a key condition and enabler for development progress, structural bottlenecks exist which often significantly slow the transfer of climate technologies, thus hindering mitigation and adaptation actions and ultimately undermining the achievement of sustainable development.
By building on the findings of the forthcoming OECD-UNEP DTU Partnership working paper “Technology transfer for climate mitigation and adaptation: Analysing needs and development assistance support in technology transfer processes”, this event will address the issue of climate technologies transfer and the role of development co-operation in supporting this process.
Registration: More information and registration here.