Data for better climate action

14 global climate initiatives join forces to promote the value of climate transparency to address domestic development priorities while fulfilling their international climate commitments

UNEP DTU Partnership, 11 May 2021

Today, UNEP DTU Partnership joins 13 other global climate initiatives to launch a renewed effort to increase data-driven climate action around the world. With the decisive UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK only six months away, the #Data4BetterClimateAction campaign aims to raise awareness about the inherent value of transparency in pursuing meaningful climate action and support.

Urging governments to reframe the way they think of “transparency”, the campaign highlights how enhanced transparency can support countries to address domestic development priorities while fulfilling their international climate commitments at the same time.

“Building national transparency systems to track and report on climate actions and impacts is crucial in our progress towards a climate resilient, low carbon future. With our push for increased transparency we wish to build trust and confidence, fostering greater accountability and strengthened climate ambitions.”
– Susanne Pedersen, Director of the UNEP DTU Partnership

We can only improve what we measure

With only 57 countries – representing 60 percent of global emissions – on track to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement by 2030, it becomes more apparent that current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are not delivering the climate action required to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Transparency is also key to enhancing ambition. The #Data4BetterClimateAction campaign encourages governments to shine a light on emerging climate risks and the gaps between progress made and what is still needed. Policymakers can make informed long-term policy and investment decisions that deliver results faster, make better use of resources and pursue innovative solutions to close remaining gaps.

“To do that we need all parties to improve their climate transparency so that together we can have a clear view of what we need to do to protect our planet for future generations.
I am pleased to see the Data4BetterClimateAction campaign championing this cause on the road to COP26.”
– Alok Sharma, COP26 President-Designate

As we can only improve that which we measure, the #Data4BetterClimateAction campaign calls on all countries to set up, and provide support to, national transparency frameworks in line with the provisions of the Paris Agreement so that each country can deliver effective contributions and collectively, limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, while pursuing efforts to limit to a safer 1.5 degrees.

The #Data4BetterClimateAction campaign will be hosting a side-event at the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2021. 14:00 – 14:50 (AST/GMT-4) | 12 May 2021. More information here.

Original article here.

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